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Channeling and Multiplicity

To get as much into the topic of channeling as I'd like, would probably fill up its own FAQ. That aside, this is here to relate how and where channeling pertains to multiplicity.

Channelers (also channels), for the sake of this FAQ, are defined as those who can temporarily lend mental/physical resources to sentient beings (spirits, angels, etc.) directly or indirectly. This makes them in many ways similar to hosts, and in fact, some hosts are the result of a mutual decision between the channeler and the channeled entities to arrange for a more permanent home within the channel's headspace. In Victorian times, this was the definition of multiple personalities.

There are different ways a channel can do this. In some cases the entity and the channel make mental contact, and the channel relays that which they "pick up". In other cases the entity actually gains control over the body of the channel, ideally with consent, for a temporary period.

Note: It is important however to note that not all channels view themselves as multiples, nor are they all multiple-friendly. Find out how they feel before making assumptions.

There are different ways the channel loans out resources:

the channel holds a pen, planchette or other instrument and the spirit moves her hand to write, draw, or otherwise indicate what it wants to say. Automatism is still one of the most popular experiments in spirit contact, especially use of the Ouija board.
Clairvoyant Mediumship
the entity and the channel make mental contact, and the channel relays information which they hear from the entity.
Indirect Voice
the entity talks out loud using the vocal apparatus of the medium, often sounding very different from the medium's natural voice. The medium need not go into a trance or give full control over to the spirit.
Direct Voice
the entity uses energy from the medium to manifest its own voice, heard by everyone in the room. Warning: Not all mediums are on the level, and this is one of the most common tricks.
Full Channeling
the entity actually gains control over the body of the channel, ideally with consent, for a temporary period. This is called full mediumship by the Spiritualists, to whom today's New Age channels owe a very great deal.
In an interesting circumstance of self-derived terminology, I refer to the former as "mediuming" and the latter as "channeling" partially due to the less esoteric meanings of the terms. --{Arashi}
It's best known as mediumship, so Arashi is close. Astraea^Bluejay

Contrary to popular notions, it is not necessary to enter into a trance state in order to practice channeling or mediumship.

Mediumship Links

Just spiffed it up a little and added a couple of links. Astraea^Bluejay, Jan. 12, 2005

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